Why do we exist?
Forward in Faith is a worldwide association of Anglicans who are unable in conscience to accept the ordination of women as priests or bishops. There are three simple reasons for this opposition:
First, it is a practice contrary to the Scriptures, as they have been consistently interpreted for two thousand years by the churches of both East and West.
Second, we hold that to institute such a practice, without first achieving consensus or agreement among all Anglican provinces, is a divisive act that will impair communion between provinces.
Third, mindful of the unity for which Our Lord prayed on the night before he died, we are bound to repudiate an action that has wilfully placed a new and serious obstacle in the way of full reconciliation and visible unity between Anglicans and the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches. This was made abundantly clear in an address given by Cardinal Kasper to the House of Bishops in June 2006