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Where are we going?



The decision to admit women to the priesthood included provision to provide ‘alternative Episcopal oversight’ for priests and parishes in dioceses where the bishop ordained women as priests. This system has generally worked well, but the belief of the supporters of women priests that, with the passage of time, opposition would fade away, definitely has not materialised.


The ordination of women as bishops has had far more profound consequences.

Those who cannot accept that a woman bishop’s ordination is valid do not know whether a male priest has himself been validly ordained.


The legislation therefore allows parishes to petition the diocesan bishop for provision of ministry by a male bishop or priest. See the Five Guiding Principle under the heading 'News'.


What about the future? The Church belongs to God, not to us, and we need to ask "What is the Holy Spirit saying to the Churches?" The announcement by the Vatican of the formation of 'Personal Ordinariates' to allow groups of Anglicans to join the Roman Catholic church whilst retaining some of their prior traditions is exciting for some catholic Anglicans, but will not appeal to all. The Mission Society of St Wilfrid and St Hilda has been formed to support those who wish, for the time being at least, to stay within the Church of England. Contact details are given on the Links page.

© 2016  Forward in Faith Guildford 

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